Post-publication discussions and corrections

Post-publication discussions are facilitated on the journal's website, as well as via email communication with the editor. Additionally, ABJMHS incorporates systems that enable the correction, revision, or retraction of articles subsequent to their publication.

Correction Policy

An erratum is a mistake that impacts the precision of a published paper and can potentially harm the reputation of the authors. Errata are released as standalone articles. ABJMHS publishes errata when there is a significant mistake, a factual error, or an omission in the methods, results, or conclusions. For an erratum to be warranted, the scientific error must be substantial enough to impact the scientific content of the article and the interpretation of results.

Cases that raise an erratum:

  • There was an incorrect or inadequate explanation and mention of a figure or table.
  • A figure or table was omitted.
  • A table contained incorrect results.
  • An author was inadvertently excluded.

ABJMHS will issue a notice of correction to articles with significant errors that impact the content or comprehension of the work, such as errors in data presentation, or errors that affect the publication’s metadata, such as misspelling an author’s name. Corrections will be published and linked to the original article.


Additionally, authors are expected to inform the editorial office of any errors they have discovered or have been informed of in their published article.

Removal of Published Content

ABJMHS may exercise the right to take down a paper from its website in exceptional circumstances. This occurs in instances where:

  • ABJMHS receives notice that the content is defamatory and contains inaccurate information regarding a method or researcher.
  • The paper infringes upon a third party's intellectual property rights, right to privacy, or any other legal rights.
  • The paper poses an imminent and substantial threat to safety and integrity if acted upon.


An addendum serves as a notification to include additional information in a published paper. It is important to highlight that these supplements do not challenge the original publication's content and are not intended to rectify any errors. ABJMHS will issue a correction notice for any errors that may occur. However, if an author wishes to update or add significant information, they have the option to publish an addendum. In accordance with ABJMHS policies, addenda may undergo peer review and are typically overseen by the editor of the research article.