Author Guidelines
The requirements for articles submitted to Al-Bayan Journal for Medical & Health Sciences
- Original papers that have never been published previously.
- Submitted exclusively to the Al-Bayan Journal for Medical & Health Sciences
- All papers submitted must obtain approval from the Ethical Committee when applicable.
- All papers involving human subjects must obtain signed informed consent from subjects.
- The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit all articles in aspects of style, format, and clarity. Authors may be required to revise their manuscripts for reasons of style and content. Manuscripts with excessive errors in style and typography may be returned to authors for retyping. - Subjected to peer and editorial review.
Language & Format
- Language –British English.
- The whole Manuscript word limit of 3000 words (excluding references)
- Font – Times New Roman (12)
- Line Spacing – 1.0 line
- Abstract Word Limit – 250 words (excluding title, authors, and affiliations)
- Title: Capital Letters, Bold
- Articles must be submitted fully in the following structural order :
- Title
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Materials & Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Tables
Title page and authorship
The title page should contain an appropriate title Maximum of 20 words, in Capital Letters and bold. Author(s) full name(s), address of the Institute(s)/Organisation(s)corresponding author address with e-mail.
Abstract and keywords
- Prepared in British English language. Maximum 250 words for original full-length research paper.
- Should contain the introduction, materials & methods, results, conclusion, and keywords.
Keywords are limited to 3-5 words which can be used for indexing services. Separated each keyword with a comma (,).
Tables and figures
All tables must be generated using the Table function in Word. All tables and graphic figures must be placed at the appropriate locations in the paper.
Should be made only for scientific, financial, and technical assistance and not for routine departmental and typing/secretarial assistance
Conflict of interest
A statement regarding all author's conflicts of interest should be included before references.
Reference style should follow Vancouver reference style. We encourage authors to use Mendeley software for better reference management.
- Citations to someone else's work in the text, are indicated by the use of a number.
- A sequentially numbered reference list at the end of the document provides full details of the corresponding in-text reference.
General rules of in-text citation:
o A number is allocated to a source in the order in which it is cited in the text. If the source is referred to again, the same number is used.
o Use Arabic numerals (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
o Either square [ ] or curved brackets ( ) can be used as long as it is consistent.
Reference List
- References are listed in numerical order, and in the same order in which they are cited in text. The reference list appears at the end of the paper.
- Begin your reference list on a new page and title it 'References.'
- The reference list should include all and only those references you have cited in the text.
- Use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
- Enter the author's surname followed by no more than 2 initials (full stop).
- If more than 1 author: give all authors' names and separate each by a comma and a space.
- For articles with 1 to 6 authors, list all authors. For articles with more than 6 authors, list the first 6 authors then add 'et al.'
- Only the first word of the article title and words that normally begin with a capital letter are capitalized.
- Journal titles are abbreviated (to decipher/find correct abbreviations see: PubMed Journals Database).
- Follow the date with a semi-colon;
- Abbreviate months to their first 3 letters (no full stop).
- Give the volume number (no space) followed by the issue number in brackets.
- If the journal has continuous page numbering through its volumes, omit the month/issue number.
- Abbreviate page numbers where possible, eg: 123-29.
- Article with 1 to 6 authors
Petitti DB, Crooks VC, Buckwalter JG, Chiu V. Blood pressure levels before dementia. Arch Neurol. 2005 Jan;62(1):112-6.
- Article with more than 6 authors
Hallal AH, Amortegui JD, Jeroukhimov IM, Casillas J, Schulman CI, Manning RJ, et al. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography accurately detects common bile duct stones in resolving gallstone pancreatitis. J Am Coll Surg. 2005 Jun;200(6):869-75.
- Electronic journal article with DOI
Kanneganti P, Harris JD, Brophy RH, Carey JL, Lattermann C, Flanigan DC. The effect of smoking on ligament and cartilage surgery in the knee: a systematic review. Am J Sports Med [Internet]. 2012 Dec [cited 2013 Feb 19];40(12):2872-8. Available from: DOI: 10.1177/0363546512458223
- Book :
a.) Print book
b.) Electronic book
a.) Author AA. Title of book. # edition [if not first]. Place of Publication: Publisher; Year of publication. Pagination.
b.) Author AA. Title of web page [Internet]. Place of Publication: Sponsor of Website/Publisher; Year published [cited YYYY Mon DD]. Number of pages. Available from: URL DOI: (if available)