Peer Review Policy

Al-Bayan Journal for Medical and Health Sciences (ABJMHS) follows a double-blind peer review policy, which involves three reviewers. Authors are not required to suggest or exclude potential reviewers.

ABJMHS provides an evaluation sheet designed to help with the reviewing process. It also contains a final page divided into two major parts, the first part consist of recommendations and comments to the editor alone, while the second part contain comments to the authors and the editor.

If a reviewer feels that they are not eligible to review the submission, it is highly encouraged to apologize for accepting the invitation. The reviewer's report should provide a comprehensive critique of the submission and should be more than just a few brief sentences. Manuscripts under peer review must be strictly confidential, and reviewers are strictly prohibited from sharing or discussing the content with anyone outside the peer review process.

In cases where the reviewer decides to reject the paper, they should provide a few reasons explaining why the submission has been rejected, highlighting its major shortcomings, and possibly suggesting relevant published work on the topic.