Nursing Students' Knowledge of Al-Bayan University Regarding Infection Control Strategies at Intensive Care Units


  • Sarah Abdulateef Kadhim Adult Nursing Department, College of Nursing, Al-Bayan University, Baghdad, Iraq Author


Infection control, Nursing student knowledge


Introduction: One of the most significant causes of medical, social, and economic issues in both developed and developing nations is nosocomial infection (NI). The clear duty of nurses and nursing students is to implement preventative measures and lower the risk of infections (future nurses), this -demographic data. It is necessary to emphasize and focus on infection prevention and control since education has played a significant role in expanding the knowledge of infection control among healthcare personnel. There have been few studies examining this issue in relation to pre-graduation nursing students at Al-Bayan University.

Methodology: A descriptive (cross-sectional) design was aim to identify the students' knowledge regarding infection control strategies at intensive care unit in Al- Bayan University through the application of an online questionnaire. The study started on 13th, January 2021 to the 5 th, June 2021. The study was carried out through an online questionnaire to the three educational levels (sophomore, junior and senior) in Al- Bayan University- College of Nursing. A simple random (probability) sample was used to select (227) participants. Electronic (virtual) classrooms were used to share the link of an online questionnaire; one month period was allotted to gather the maximum number of participants.Results: The study demonstrates that the majority of the subject (62%) were females and the remaining (38%) were males. It also shows that the study subject mostly lived in urban areas, that the third stage of the subject's college career recorded the highest percentage (97%) of the subject's college stages, and that the subject's distribution by marital status shows that the single and married take the highest percentages (75.4% and 19.7%, respectively), The majority (63.9%) of the study's sample demonstrates that students generally have little knowledge of emergency stroke management, that there are no statistically significant differences between genders in this area, that there is no relationship between marital status and knowledge, and that location has no bearing on students' knowledge.

Conclusions: Senior, junior, and sophomore record the highest percentage respectively in the college records moderate to good knowledge regarding infection III control, in addition, the college stages and residence record high statistically 







How to Cite

S. Abdulateef Kadhim, “Nursing Students’ Knowledge of Al-Bayan University Regarding Infection Control Strategies at Intensive Care Units”, Al-Bayan J. Med. Health Sci., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 35–42, Nov. 2024, Accessed: Mar. 12, 2025. [Online]. Available: